Booking Drive-In movie events now. Book now to insure availability!

Booking Drive-In movie events now. Book now to insure availability!
How do you want to party?
An exciting combination of music, trivia and traditional bingo. Test your music knowledge with a new twist on the classic Bingo game. Identify songs by listening, watching the music video or by unscrambling the title and match the given Bingo pattern to win.
Our Drive-In Movie event is available with our inflatable type and are designed to be used outside safely. A FM transmitter is provided so the sound can be broadcast to car radios. Music videos are played before the movie to get everyone in the mood.
Our "Movies In The Outdoors" event is available in three different size and each size comes with our high impact sound system. Our video screens are the inflatable type and are designed to be used outside safely. Also, a FM transmitter can be provided so the sound can be broadcast to car radios. Music videos are played before the movie to get everyone in the mood.
Our "Karaoke to the Max" event includes CD recording of each group and two 32" LED TVs which allows the audience to join in the fun. We have a large selection of both new & old songs. Since we specialize in providing karaoke at colleges, we have the songs the students want to sing.
Gaining popularity with colleges, where you can have the music of 2000’s, 90’s, 80’s, 70’s, 60’s & 50’s. This event can be done with music video or as a DJ event.
Our Blacklight Video Dance Party comes with High Powered UV glowing effects. You can have it as a Video Dance or as a DJ dance Party or have us just supply the lighting effects & video.
Headphone Outdoor Movie is the experience where you immerse yourself in the sound of the movie through individual wireless headsets.
Massive Dual Video Screens showing music videos create the perfect party. Showcased at the NACA Mid Atlantic Conferences in 2006, 2004, 2002, and 2000 continues to be popular with Colleges & Schools. Unlike others, we play 100% music videos,
Now you can have a DJ during activities hour and not disturb the whole campus. Those in the groove get individual wireless headsets. The on lookers and passers by just see people moving & dancing in silent. This is lots of fun for the listeners & dancers and a great attention getter. Take off your headphones and you will hear no music, but simply the vocals of people singing people.
Large Screens, Flat Screen Monitors, PA systems, Background Music, Powerpoint presentations
Music makes the party special. Parties, Corporate Functions, Weddings, Fashion Shows, Sweet-16's, Anniversaries, Fund Raisers, Dances
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Do you have questions, want to book a event, or collaborate on a new piece? Music is built on community. Reach out, and let's make magic happen.
enjoy watching the movies in your car.
Our Drive-In event allows
you to have the Drive-In theatre experience. Even with social distance rules you we able to bring your family and the Car out then sit back relax and watch the movie. While having the sound transmitted to your car's radio.
is the experience where you immerse yourself in the sound of the movie through individual wireless headsets. Now you can have your Outdoor Movie in a location where you could not before. Now you can have a Midnight showing without disturbing the neighbors with loud speakers. So anytime, any place even in quiet hour.
Our Blacklight Video Dance Party comes with High Powered UV glowing effects. You can have it as a Video Dance or as a DJ dance Party or have us just supply the lighting effects & video. You supply the DJ.
This is the perfect event for Glow Parties & Hallowern.